LenderX® LX 2023.01 Release

Jan 26, 2023

LenderX® LX 2023.01 was released on 1/26/2023. This release begins the process of expanding our offerings to provide solutions for Appraisal Modernization, Servicing, Home Equity, Agriculture, Commercial Lending, Non-QM, and more. Vendors now have the ability to update licensing and certifications to include these new business types such as Home Inspectors, Real Estate Agents, Trained Property Data collectors and more. This release also includes the newest forms to be made available in the seller’s guides, the 465 Condo Hybrid Forms.

If you would like more information on the features included in this release please contact your Client Advocate at clientadvocates@lenderx.com or the LenderX Support Team at support@lenderx.com.